And chaos reigns supreme.

This is the view across the top of my roll-top desk, past my room divider, into my kitchen. Like my life. Chaos.

— Still getting over major tooth abcess and root canal work.

— Now mother hearing voices singing Polish Christmas Caroles while the podiatrist (who she insists is Polish but he’s not) is working on her hammer toe.

— While making broccoli soup in my Vita Mix, didn’t realize that the machine was set on high speed and the cover wasn’t on tight enough and — heh — broccoli bits all over everything, including me.

— Made batches of pesto with the harvested basil after I cleaned up the broccoli mess.

— Still not ready for the craft fair that I do once a year; need to print up signs, finish a few more items, and price everything. New items this year, thanks to a brainstorm of my breast-feeding daughter: washable nursing necklaces and shawls.

— Am almost done using putting transfers (that I printed up on my computer) on a special t-shirt to wear to BloggerCon.

— Finished harvesting my tomatoes, basil, and parsley; now have to clean out my garden before frost hits.

— Gotta get to the library to return Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons, which was so enthralling to me that I read it in one day (instead of cleaning up some of the chaos). As an ex-Catholic who went to 13 years of Catholic school and is totally fascinated with the lore of Church and its roots in paganism, I just loved this symbol, taken from the book:

— Gotta pick up The Secret Life of Bees, which is waiting for me at the library, as well as one of Judith Jance’s’ mysteries-on-tape that I can listen to on my way back and forth to Boston.

— Next stop is at Hannaford to pick up my mother’s prescription for Quinine for her leg cramps and then to Joanne’s for fabric to cover seams that I let out from a jacket I love that I made smaller years ago when I WAS smaller.

When my friend P stopped by after the tap-dancing class that we’re taking but I missed because of my root canal, we commiserated about how being retired isn’t what we wanted it to be. (Her 87-year-old ex-mother-in-law, to whom she’s close, has just been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer.) She thought that she would be spending her time resting, traveling, reading, having fun.

Whoever keeps trying to tell us that life can be just fun and games at any age is really selling us a bill of goods. I don’t know anyone whose life is that way.

Meanwhile, I’ve got to go battle chaos. And entropy. Always entropy.

Yes. America as a whole seems to have succumbed to entropy. And apathy.

Battle on, Xena.

11 thoughts on “And chaos reigns supreme.

  1. hah, you call THAT ‘chaos’? come over to my house and take a look at MY kitchen — do you have anything in your sink that makes your whole house smell like rotting garbage? i doubt it. and can you actually FIND bare counter space? probably. your kitchen looks fine. my kitchen needs the services of a regulation army issue flame thrower.

  2. PS–and i’m going to have to pick up a copy of that book ‘angels & demons’. it sounds like something i would write–i LOVE ‘conspiracy fiction’.

  3. I came to this conutry because I believed in its values and the fundamental truthd that it recognized and lived. Since arriving, I have received several offers to go back. Needless to say, I am still here, because I have hope.
    Nevertheless, I agree with the grim picture that Rivers Pitt presents: this country has become the awful bully, a self-gratifying ghoul.
    We need to change that.

  4. OK. So I guess most of us bloggers thrive in chaos. Now I don’t feel so bad. And, r@d@r, I love conspiracy tales too. That elemental symbol reads the same upside down, btw. I’d love to make it into a stencil and put it on a t-shirt.

  5. Yup, the tomatoes are really good. Tomorrow morning I go out to clear out the garden, since there are none left. Then, Betsy, we need to figure out where you and I will hook up at BloggerCon. I’ll be taking the T in from Jamaica Plain and hope I don’t have a Senior Moment and wind up in South Boston somewhere.

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