In the past, I’ve done on and off-line rituals (in conjunction with other bloggers) for well-known posters such as Marek and RageBoy and Mike Golby. There is a strange empowering magic that happens when people join their hearts on someone’s behalf and manifest that caring in something tangible (or at least, visible).
On Friday b!X will be 33 years old. It’s a meaningful number and a meaningful point in his life it seems.
So, this time, it’s for b!X, and I’m asking all of my blogger friends to join me in creating an earth-moving ritual that will propel him into the self he was meant to be.
This is what I’m asking you to do: Read what he wrote and my comment. Then put together a digital image or phrase that is your wish/prayer for him and email it to me. I will put all I get together into a virtual magical artifact and post it. And I will ask all of you to link to it or post it yourselves on Friday, October 25th. All of that blogger energy out there at the same time just has to have some cosmic effect.
Ordinary magic. Extraordinary people.
ADDENDUM: Having been overwhelmed with the responsibilities of my own small life, and having not maintained my usual visits to the sites of fellow bloggers, I had not picked up the thread about Wonder Chicken

2 thoughts on “THIS ONE’S FOR b!X

  1. A father to his son:
    Who and what you are is good enough for anyone and better than most. The challenge always lies in having the courage to be who and what you are. The reward comes from having the courage. The love from those around you is free.

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