another Jim Culleny poem

I’ve mentioned before that Jim Culleny of No Utopia emails out a poem a day, sometimes his own, sometimes another’s. Sometimes I post them here, and here’s one I just had to.

Looking for Evidence
Jim Culleny
Poor Darwin.
Forever dissed by People-of-the-Book,
he rummaged through bins of bones
flinging one after another
over his shoulder
looking for a missing link.
Femurs and fibulas went flying.
Knuckles and kneecaps rained.
Disks –the pride of vertebrates–
hit walls and ricocheted like pucks
slap-shot by blood-thirsty Bruins.
The thud of ulnas and clavicles
drummed rhythms on wallboard as they hit.
They landed here and there in the dusty landscape
only to be buried again in the sands of time,
found by future anthropologists,
and dismissed once more (no matter what)
by latter-day People-of-the-Book.

It’s gotta be here somewhere, sighed
Charles, everything else so elegantly fits.
Meanwhile, at a bin to Darwin’s right
marked “Creation, Myths, and Miracles”
Reverend Pat dug in too.
He tossed a leather-bound edition
of the Epic of Gilgamesh
onto a heap in the corner which
nudged a volume of the Enuma Elish
that slid to the floor and settled
beside a story of how a flower
grew from Vishnu’s navel.
Junk, Pat grumbled. Absurd junk,
and can’t hold a candle
to a talking snake.

He’d been hoping for a scrap
of Genesis notarized by God
but found only a sheepskin playbill
inscribed “Moses and the Four Evangelists–
doowa, doowa.”
Good enough for me, said Pat
and ducked as the skull of a chimp
sailed by.

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