I fall down, I get up

It’s a wonder I haven’t broken any bones.

This last trip was yesterday during my (driving) trip to visit my friends in Albany.

Not too long ago, the friend in whose house I was staying had her front entrance redone — semicircular brick steps bordered by more bricks and beautiful plantings. She had joked about perhaps needing to put up a railing for her “elder” friends, and I assured her that I was still able to navigate.

That is, unless I’m talking on my cell phone and looking down through my progressive lenses while navigating.

So, after tripping and rolling into her geranium bed (never dropped my cell phone) and scraping my forearm, I got up, climbed into my car, and continued on to visit another friend in Troy. (fodder for yet a whole other post)

I’m home now, can’t take a deep breath without getting a sharp pain somewhere between my breast and shoulder. I will call the doctor tomorrow.

I fall down, I get up.

I really have to start doing one thing at a time.

1 thought on “I fall down, I get up

  1. Oh, you poor dear, (OMG – that sounded like my husband’s Grandma Dottie!) hopefully you’ve seen the doc by now and it’s a quick fix and you’ll be on your way! I guess we shouldn’t walk and talk at the same time, eh?

    I see you’ve made the decision to go gray – me, too! Too lazy to even keep up with the low lights and happy with my decision.

    I check back here every so often to see how you are, K, you inspire me. Just wanted to let you know.

    All the best,

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