back with black eye and bloody knee

I don’t think I ever had a black eye before. It’s kinda cool, really. Of course, it would be a lot cooler if I didn’t get it tripping myself while stepping up on a high curb — if I didn’t get it because I was talking to my grandson in my daughter’s arms and didn’t watch where I was going. It was almost worth it, though, to hear my grandson walk around all evening saying “boo-boo. Fall down. Grammy.”
I went out to Boston again, unexpectedly and last minute to take them too look at a house that sounded affordable. (The “gnome home” didn’t work out; concern about insulation……) Another marathon trip with no tangible results — until they asked me stay another day……and I did…..and they found and put and offer on (which was accepted) a really nice little ranch house right next to a nature conservancy in a little western Massachusetts town with a great school system.
Before that successful house acquisition, I was looking for something to read while others were napping, and so I scoured my son-in-law’s sci fi collection and came up with Fritz Leiber’s “Conjure Wife” . And then, in a fit of witchy inspiration, I took some hair from their hair brushes, and when we were looking around the house that they wanted so badly to buy, I dropped the hair on the property and casually stroked a few auspicious rune symbols into the nearby dirt.
Now, combine that with my son-in-law’s in-jest comment after my tumble that, now that we’ve made our blood sacrifice, the fates would find them a house, I might figure that our little magics worked. But we all know that those things are not the case, right?
While driving back and forth across the state of Massachusetts,I did listen to a wonderful novel on audio CD — The Art of Mending by Elizabeth Berg. I’ve read some of her other stuff, but this is her best so far. I’ve also begun listening to a collection of Elmore Leonard’s short stories When the Women Came out to Dance. I couldn’t resist the title, and they’re also quite good.
Of course, what I really should be doing is working on the grant proposals that I’m getting paid to write. I got off to a great start and then got interrupted by the unexpected Boston trip. But now that’s all over and I can get back to work. Black eye, bloody knee, and all.

7 thoughts on “back with black eye and bloody knee

  1. Who does the voicework on the Elmore Leonard CD? Is it Elmore, himself? We saw him deliver a lecture at the NY Public Library…he is a captivating and very entertaining speaker.

  2. Actually, the reader is Taye Diggs, and at first I didn’t really like his voice. Too much bass. But I got used to it, although I did have to turn the bass way down on my car CD. I have to say that I’m surprised at how much I like Leonard’s writing. I hadn’t read anything of his before. “When the Women Come Out to Dance,” in Leonard’s world, they are not squeamish about stepping on the toes of either gender I guess I’m going to have to break down and read some more of his stuff. If he speaks the way he writes, I would imagine that he would be quite engaging.

  3. Iffy on the Working. The hair from the brushes would work, but it’s doing Work on the folks you took it from, not the house. It’s sort of pushing them astrally into that house.
    Better to buy a small trinket which includes a house in it (a picture of a nice house from an architectural magazine, or a music box/snow globe thing with a house inside it, depending on your budget) and put it beneath their bed so they literally draw to them the house of their dreams. Copies of mortgage forms wrapped around gold coins (use the Sacajaweia dollar coin, available at banks and as change in a post office) and buried near the front door of property they want works, too.
    Just some hints. Better still if you can get the owners of a house to give you a business card. Freely given, wrap it in a swatch of red silk to preserve the link to them from outside influence, and focus on them selling cheaply under the light of a waning moon, then at the first night of the new moon, throw the business card out of the house at midnight and don’t look back. They’ll sell within the month.
    Just be oh-so-certain that it’s the *right* house.
    And when they move, have them either leave their broom in the old house and buy a new one for the new, or else have the broom be the very last thing taken from the old house, and have it handed outside via the window. A broom once in its home should never cross the threshold except to sweep the area just outside the door clean. (If taking an old broom from the old house, hand it into new house through a window as well, to preserve the luck.)
    Best witches on the new home situations…

  4. Well, I did it all spur-of-the-moment. Whether it worked or not, they got the house and will be moving in a couple of months.
    I’ve told my daughter to read your comment and think about what we need to do to ready the new house for them. I’d love to know what rituals that you know about to cleanse the house and property and prepare it all for the new family.

  5. My roommate and I just moved into a new house. We have an old handmade broom that was a gift to us. I’m from Missouri; I know you’re not supposed to bring an old broom into a new house, but he refuses to get rid of it, and I understand, as it was a gift from some close friends and extended family. We can’t bring it in through a window because we have storm windows that are permanently sealed, and we don’t want to cut the screening on the outside window. Any suggestions for how to get it into the house without incurring any bad luck? Thanks.

  6. Well, what I would do is wash the whole broom in water infused with sea salt (which you can actually buy in any grocery store), rinse it off, and then leave it outside under a full moon and a full sun.
    If nothing else, you’ll have a really clean old broom. If the bristles get stiff, wipe them off with lemon oil. Makes them good as new.
    Good luck.

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