Hah! I’ll bet you think that this post is about sex. Sorry about that.
Since times of olde [sic], Christian missionaries have purposely invaded other cultures and manipulated their religious symbols and rituals in a brainwashing attempt to “convert” the people to Christianity. So, back in those really olden days, the archetypal gods and goddesses were transformed into saints, the Great Mother into the Virgin Mary, the Female Trinity of Virgin-Mother-Crone into the patriarchal Holy Trinity.
And now, (well, not only now because it’s been going on for a while in various forms), there’s the Jews for Jesus movement.
My aged mom, who watches a lot of the Catholic television channel, keeps telling me about the Jewish man they feature who has turned into a Catholic.
If she were astute enough, if she had eyes that could deal with reading for any length of time, I would print out the information on this site and hope that she might come to see that it’s the missionary position of Christians that has kept the fires of bigotry and intolerance blazing destructively throughout the world.
If she were so inclined, she would read that:
In the year 325 CE, Constantine (a non-baptized Pagan) convened the Council of Nicea to settle disputes in the Church. The council changed Jesus from man to God in the flesh, they changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, and the Passover was changed to Easter. Among the nearly 200 Gospels circulating in the first three hundred years of this era, the Catholic Church canonized only four. Origen, the great Catholic father, confirms this fact: “And not four Gospels, but very many, out of which these we have chosen
Christian apologist Richard Sisson states:
“In fact, after the death of Jesus a whole flood of books that claimed to be inspired appeared…. Disputes over which ones were true were so intense that the debate continued for centuries. Finally in the fourth century a group of church leaders called a council and took a vote. The 66 books that comprised our cherished Bible were declared to be Scripture by a vote of 568 to 563.
I am always amazed at how little Christians in general, and Catholics in particular, really know about the history of their religions as institutions that are as political as any major govenment. (Another, more scholarly perspective is here.)
(Of course, now that Bush equates “American” with “Christian”, the whole invasive missionary thing has really escalated.)
Now, understand that I’m not anti-Christian, I’m not anti-any religion. What I am is anti the missionary position (in addition, of course, to being irreligious and irreverent).
The Missionary Position is the antithesis of freedom in any context.
And my mother, who has no idea what that means, keeps lighting candles and praying that I will return to the faith of my fathers. And I help her light the candles, and I smile through her lectures, and I then blog my own version of prayer, of hope for a world free of missionaries..
And we have history repeating itself, with all the deaths and destruction, just because some self-righteous people decide to impose their idea on the rest of the world.
I love reading Elaine’s blog, I love it! One of the effects of the decisions of the Nicea Council and…
Well put! I howl all the time about this very thing but everyone thinks I’m crazy!
Hmmmmm interesting !!!