10 thoughts on “Truth or Dare

  1. Haha…! Liked this post a LOT, Elaine…
    It’s been said, “AnyBody that serves as their own lawyer has a fool for a client.” I tend to think same of anyBody who thinks their performance is real…

  2. Well, I’ve posted before about the fact only role I can really play is myself. What you read here is what you’d get if we conversed face-to-face (along with lots of arm waving, hand-flapping, and facial grimaces). As any really good actress/artist knows, performances are only as real/believable/moving as the performer’s willingness to bring his/her true self/feelings/experiences into the process. Making it work as “art,” however, requires a great deal of craft and talent, and that takes performance to the next levels.
    Accepting the reality that we all perform on our own stages does not negate the possibility of those performances being truthful. Al-Sahaf’s performance is al-Sahaf. And mine is me. You?

  3. I’d like-ta actually put some thought into this-un reply, and I had also intended to start work/play a bit ago. Interesting (to me, anyhoo)…:-D
    Who knows… … mebbe l8trz…?

  4. Sorry… Decided to go out last night, first time in over a week, to throw a couple (3) shots down the drain.
    Got “stuff” today and tomorrow, but probably-mebbe reply tonight.
    (Heheh…:-D Still don’t much cotton to Your views on Iraq and some-a that stuff, Elaine, but what’s a li’l “enmity” between “friends”, right?…;-)
    Btw, Elaine, if You don’t mind my asking such-an extremely PERSONAL question (or if You do mind, jes say so)… Do You or have You done any meditation, and if so, how long and what “flavor”…???
    Bye until……………….?…..:-D

  5. That’s a personal question? Hell, you must have a really large “keep out” sign around your life!
    Actually, as I went on my little meditative walk in the park today, your question got me thinking (rather than meditating), and later on I’ll post a piece that will probably be more than you really want to know. But that’s just me.

  6. (Poking head in fer sec, as had-ta reboot Windoze anyhoo.)
    Haha… After I hit the POST button, I’d thought about adding another comment, “IF You consider that personal”… Ah well… …
    Most wouldn’t but I might.. depending…
    And people that know me a li’l better would mebbe tell Ya I’m one-a the MOST willing people they’ve met, as far as discussing personal things… Especially in conversation, (especially one-on-one), as opposed to pretend-talking-in-writing… Again, depends.. but it’s more’n likely I’ve posted a few things in public that would make Ya turn beet-red, Elaine…!
    Nup.. You misguaged me, by a wide margin in this regard. The “keep out” signs around me have been placed their by others. Don’t recall ANYthing I absolutely would not talk about (in private), and very little I wouldn’t post to public (unless involves someOne besides m’self).
    I’ll look forward ta Yer post, Elaine (if it happens)…! 😀

  7. So how’s come I had-ta enter email on previous reply, when I haven’t had to before (other than the first time) and not this one…?!? No matter.
    Oh yeah…
    I have basically NO craft or talent as a performing artist.
    I’ve gotten this far, twice now… Although I’m willing to push to get things done, when needed, I’m not much into using self-discipline as a bludgeon against m’self most-a the time… Distracted by a few things (like still have a half-hour job to finish tonite), so mebbe I’ll try again tomorrow.

  8. Actually wrote a tome last night, but decided not to post it. Don’t feel like looking at it now (and gotta head out in a short bit, fer a bit and then get some paying work done.)
    Sort-a hinges around this part:
    “performances are only as real/believable/moving as the performer’s willingness to bring his/her true self/feelings/experiences into the process.
    “Accepting the reality that we all perform on our own stages does not negate the possibility of those performances being truthful.”
    What is “true”, and “truthful”…?… Hm… (And I need to be reminded, yet one more time:
    How was that defined, again…?!?? 😉

  9. OK. You got me there. I should have defined what I mean by truthful, but to tell you the truth, often “truth” is in the eye of the beholder. I guess there are certain things that most people will agree on are objectively true at this point: the sun will rise above the horizon at some point tomorrow morning and slip below the horizon sometime tomorrow evening.
    Then there are truths that lots of us believe but some don’t: all humans are created equal; first, do no harm; do unto others….
    But when it comes to personal truths, we often fool ourselves even better than we fool other people. I suppose if I personally believe in my heart and soul that something is true, than it’s true for me. And if what I say and do reflects what I believe, then I’m being personally truthful. I guess that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m NOT being evil according to someone else’s personal truths. I suppose that’s why the world is in the state it’s in. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

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