Make Thursday Dark Blog Day.

I like this “proposal to honor those in pain”, posted by Cowboy Kahill:
I’d like to propose something else to bloggers who respect life, I don’t care what your political persuasion. For the innocent of Iraq, for the journalists who’ve died, for all the dead soldiers, I propose that we make Thursday a day of silence in the blogosphere. No posts. No comments. Perhaps a memorial message to whoever you wish, posted as a final post the night before.
There are thousands hurting, thousands mourning and thousands still at risk. Can’t we demonstrate something else important to the world about us besides our capacity to war well?

Spread the word. Let’s post a memorial on Wednesday night and go “dark” on Thursday.

One thought on “Make Thursday Dark Blog Day.

  1. Yes. Time to get out all those candles for the window again. Time to go dark on blogs, time to go dark in our hearts and minds, while we send good thoughts to those who need it and try to figure out what it’s going to take for us to quiet the crying child within ourselves…

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