Elements of Style

I love it when my theater-trained daughter does her imitation of Kathryn Hepburn. Hepburn had such an individual style and such a remarkable acting talent.
As writer who

One thought on “Elements of Style

  1. That sounds great, Elaine! A chance to recharge.
    I remember about 10 years ago, when I was really into the ladder climbing aspect of my job, my sister said to me, “you used to be about a lot of things, now you are only about one thing.”
    The remark startled me. I tucked it away in my mind, and every so often it cropped up, reminding me of writing, reading for pleasure, drawing, painting, sewing, movies (I never completely abandoned gardening) versus dragging myself home late every night with a briefcase full of work.
    I’m not suggesting work obsession is the same thing, just that my sister’s wisdom has stayed with me.

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