Watching Kathy Bates in “Harry’s Law.” Gray hair, a few extra pounds, well-dressed, feisty and female. It’s about time.
Category Archives: aros
river stone 1-16-11
went out to romp in the snow. unfortunately, my age came with me.
river stone 1-15-11
When I took geometry in high school, I never thought I’d have any reason to remember the Pythagorean Therum or Algebra. More than 50 years later, I’m learning to do modular knitting and I have to figure out how many stitches to pick up along the hypotenuse of a knitted right triangle. But these days, even if I don’t know, Google knows.
river stone 1-14-11
My 8 year old grandson put together a Rube Goldberg contraption that actually worked. Sometimes I feel like my life was designed by Rube Goldberg. Wheeeee……..
river stone 1-13-11
it’s just too easy to loose/lose my day into the internet
river stone 1-12-11
river stone 1-11-11
It’s the old 11:11 again.
we watch a bare-branched bush by the fence, filled with birds — three Cardinal pairs, a Titmouse, a Flicker, a Junco, and a Sparrow — all having their fill of feed until a bully Blue Jay descends
river stone 1-10-11
Even though I am not much interested in male companionship at this point in my life, every Monday night I drool over Rick Castle (Nathan Fillion). Whoever created that character knows what women respond to. And they cast the perfect word made flesh for that role.
river stone 1-9-11
I drive a straight road between states, wishing life were more like that.
river stone 1-8-11
The violence of the Right-eous rhetoric has born fruit with the shooting of Representative GiffordS. WORDS MATTER AMERICA!!!