
January 14, 2008


The following post is by MYRLN, a non-blogger who is Kalilily Time's guest writer every Monday


The carpetbagger Senator from New York began articulating some specific plans this past week. "We dug a big hole," she said, "we've got to dig ourselves out. I'm going to pass out shovels to everyone." She made that remark as part of the undetailed policies she's proposing on energy and taxation, which would require up to $110 billion in tax breaks and government aid to jump-start the economy. But she admittedly has no proposed means of paying for such a program. Nor for the shovels.

And that's odd, because last month she sang a different tune. Then she very firmly and pointedly said, "I am not proposing anything I don't have way to pay for."

Now there's a "change" for ya. Talk about your "fairy tales." The nature of her presidency, it seems, would depend upon which state you live in. Maybe she can get it down to which block you live on.

Sure hope our shovels get here soon cuz the horse-puckey from Camp Clinton is getting deep in a hurry. Pretty soon we'll need bull*dozers to clean up.

June 27, 2007

for the first time I contribute
to a presidential campaign

I have never contributed money to the campaign of a presidential hopeful, but after hearing Ann Coulter and Elizabeth Edwards on Hardball, I sent money into the Edwards campaign.

John as president and Elizabeth as First Lady -- First Woman, really! What a woman! Assertive, thoughtful, caring, and intelligent. And she was smart enough to choose John Edwards as a mate.

Now, Ann Coulter is the opposite of Elizabeth Edwards. Can you imagine HER as a First Lady. OMG! There are those who are not even sure she's got what it takes to be a woman! Good for you, Coulter, you got me to do what I've never done before.

Wouldn't I like to see a female as president? Sure! But there's no woman in the running who I think would be better than John Edwards as a brilliant and charismatic and statesmanlike leader of this ailing country -- a president who would make every effort to put leadership before politics. I thought Bill Clinton was a very good leader and statesman. I don't dislike Hillary. But I think Edwards would do a better job.

Edwards is on Hardball tonight, responding to Coulter's evil idiocy.

ADDENDUM: As heard tonight on Hardball:

Ann Coulter: the Anna Nicole Smith of Politics

June 13, 2007

a Harper's Tuesday on Wednesday

News bits from this week's Harper's Review to contemplate:

A security assessment found that just one third of Baghdad's neighborhoods were under U.S. control, police recruits shot a "suspicious woman," a Catholic priest was kidnapped along with five boys, and 27 corpses, each shot in the head and showing signs of torture, were recovered.

China was in the grip of "Web 2.0 madness.

Three adulterers were executed by firing squad in Khyber, Pakistan.

Hillary Clinton thanked God for helping her endure the sexual indiscretions of her husband.

Two John McCain campaign officials were fired for refusing to "rape and pillage" church directories for potential donors.

Students at Harvard University were scalping tickets to their own graduation, high school officials in Galesburg, Ohio, withheld the diplomas of five seniors after their friends and families cheered too loudly at the commencement, and three students were arrested in Aurora, Illinois, following a cafeteria food fight.

Forest guards in western India were using cell phone ring tones of cows mooing, goats bleating, and roosters crowing to lure hungry leopards away from human encampments.

In Bautzen, Germany, three teenagers were found not guilty of impairing the sex drive of an ostrich.

The Internet's storehouse of wisdom, information, and pornographic images was determined to weigh 0.2 millionths of an ounce

For the originating links for these and other news bits to contemplate, go here.

January 15, 2007

words of the wise

Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacies.

One of the things he left behind is a lengthy letter to his "fellow clergymen," which is posted on b!X's weblog, which addresses the obedience of just and unjust laws, and which includes the following statement:

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Obviously his wise words have implication for more than issues of race in America.